I gave up Coke (at home) almost a year ago... Do I feel better? No not really... Have I lost weight? No (I replaced coke with BEER!).... So why not drink coke... simple my caffiene intake is now in half and I'm not as high strung anymore... I use the term high strun with great relativity... compared to a few people at work I still have the speed of a hummingbird and sometimes the mentality of one too.. I need to drink more beer.
That right there folks was an attempt at geek humor if you don't get it don't worry neither do I.
I am drinking a beer though.
So I'm really liking this blogger thing and I'm serioursly considering on shuttering the other site and going to just this... I don't know though part of me likes have the anal-retentavie control that I have over the other site. I don't know it's a thought and this is much easier for me then the other site.... PLUS I can email blogger to a special super-secret address that only I know (well me and whatever sysadmin looks at my account) For some reason this just seems a bit more cathartic.... much like the orginal semi-journal did way back in 2000... shit I've been doing this for 4 years...
/digs up old post...
First post is dated DEC 1, 2000 damn just under two weeks to the semi-journal's 4th birthday. This was supposed to be a one year experiment. I think it's safe to say that I have been a bit lax in my cutting off everything.
thinks of everything that has changed in 4 years.
Damn... graduated school, moved from flag, started my career, bought a house, achieved some measure of personal peace after putting the demon known as emily out of my life.
ya know I think I'm going to shutter the other sight... the last post will be Dec 1, 2004 (maybe (hey it's my site I can do whatever I damn well please)) I enjoy this knowing that 2 (well soon to be a 4 as I send a email to a few people) I don't like knowing that anyone in my little world can stumble onto my piece of the internet. I like this it's just the people I want to see it... for better and worse... thick and thin... coke and beer... Star Wars Galaxies and Jump to light speed.
This is me.