Monday, January 16, 2006

Maldiction and their terminal points...

So tonight I'm in something of a confessional mood... and I don't know how some of you are going to take this...

Some of you may abondon me others of you may find a new way to connect with me.

I have had a addiction for a while now and I'm just now coming to terms with it... No it's not gaming... anyway that's not an addiction it's a way of life.

Somewhere along the line I became addicted to myspace... sad I know.

Other people have problems with drugs, cars, alcohol, nicotine, the list goes on.

What are my addcitions... Freaking social websites and LINUX.

I really have to wonder where my parents screwed up... by all counts I should be on the 3rd marriage and have barely gotten out of high school... nope not me... had no problem getting through high school and college. Not married no kids... just a bunch of computers.

Somedays I confuse myself... today is one of those days... I'm done now go talk amongst yourselves while I go play a game...


Anonymous said...


You sicken me.

- Lenny

Anonymous said...

Those who mock you about myspace don't see it for what it is. A place to keep in touch with those from your past. Or maybe they just aren't smart enough to figure out how to use it.

Anonymous said...

cellphones, email, instant messengers, holiday trips, blogs.
Do we reallly need another medium to keep in touch with those from our past?

Anonymous said...

Myspace isn't really "another medium" it just takes all those you listed and rolls them into one easy to access and manage place, that is easily shared with others.
There is nothing wrong with myspace.. Tom just has a habit of sickening me. I may even join the fray.
