What do you expect from me....
Nothing less then the best in drivel blogging about nothing!
No really this thing has to be the Seinfeld of blogs... only not as funny and a lot less classy.
I need a couple of fart jokes... that is what I need.
Damn I don't have any fart jokes... So how about some random observations from life in Phoenix.
Wal-Mart my farvorite target, now I know most of you can relate to me on this one. When did it become nesscary to start carrying a GPS and Map to make your way through Wal-Mart? No really try finding something you don't normally pick up. Now go to your nearest Wal-Mart Supercenter and try and find it.
Know where they keep the pesticides? You know the stuff for around the house ant traps, roach hotels, RAID that sort of thing. I will give you three guesses.
Nope it's not in pet area (which is where I expected it to be)
Nope it's not in hardware either (I need a hula hoe)
Nope it's not with the house-hold chemicals... though you would be close I have seen it there before.
At the Wal-Mart I shop at it's with the Bleach and Dishwasher soap.
Figure that one out... and yes I needed truly felt like I needed a Map and GPS. Yes a map that says Sock, Underwear, Video games all laid out in their respective areas.... Pesticides... crap that's not on here... It's gotta be over in the giant section marked "Unknown"
I fucking hate wal-mart.... it amazes me that I still go there.
So after wal-mart I decided that I needed to hit Pet whatever that is next to it. I wanted to see what kind of stuff they had and if there was anything worth buying since I'm cat sitting...
I did find two cat toys that I keep hearing batted around every 10 minutes or so. My guess is Frankie kind of likes them but isn't sure what the hell they were.But I did see something that just made me start laughing.
I don't know if it was the eyes or the fact that the cat is holding a pot of grass....
I pretty sure it's one of those things that is best left to other people to decide.
next time look in the home and garden section. This time of year they put a big display in front of the plants.
yes. once i was baffled for hours, looking for trash bags. damn things. i also looked in the electronics section for zoolander. unbeknownst to me, they keep that movie specifically up front next to the registers. damnation.
T your a scholar and a saint thanks for taking care of Frank-the-cat, I have some Polygamy Porter chilling at the house, complements of the wife. I’ll bring it over for you once I'm back in town for any extended period of time. Also that cat holding the "pot" of "grass" looks stoned, coincidence, I don't think so?
It's drugs for you kittie-cat!!!
is it bad that i guessed the location of the pesticide on the first try?
this is the point where i put in a statement specially designed to make myself feel better about that fact: "fucking walmart!"
now, imagine me yelling that while shaking my fist at the monitor.
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