Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The little blogger(s) that could....

Hmmm it would seem that hell has frozen over at some point in the last two weeks. Curtis went and finally hooked himself up with a big boy blog.


I never thought I would see the day.

And since I'm "pimping" blogs...

You should also check out Cody's blog http://a-little-oblivion.blogspot.com/ for he is wise in the ways of america jr and some even say mayo... not miracle whip... Mayo.


Curtis said...

I've actually had it for a while.
Shocking I know.
The account was always there thanks to the gmail account.. I just never used it or set a domain.
I don't really use it. What you are seeing there is pre-release blog. Its not ready or really active yet.
I am still playing with the layouts and when I do make the transfer I will transfer all the old blogs to it.

A.L.O said...

thanks for the plug