Sunday, December 17, 2006

This broken wheel is coming undone...

It's the middle of December and I just realized it. What's more it's just over a week to X-mas. wow...

I always use December as a time to reflect on the last year... was it good? Did I accomplish anything? What did I do set the world ablaze?

Yes it was a good year, I accomplished the things I wanted to and few extra, did I set the world ablaze? Only in my pants...


Ok moving on. Happy Birthday to ye-blog. On December 1, 2000 I wrote the first entry in what became the "semi-journal" my orginal intent was just catalog what was going on in my life that last semester of college and my finding my way to be a "real adult" well 6 years later. College is becoming a more distant memory and I still haven't found my way to being a real adult. But I gotta say I'm having fun :)

So what is in store for 2007? Probally more fun, and hopefully a few more stories that I can regail my friends with.

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