Saturday, September 02, 2006

You can supersize for $99 more!

So a while back I talked about how my work gave everyone a free Costco Membership...

Well after several trips to Costco I have my musings about Costco...

Not everything needs to be in bulk... if you need to buy the 500 tablet bottle of Advil everytime you go to Costco... you should probally see a doctor or the Betty Ford clinic. Another great example is you can buy Condoms in bulk... OK if your going through that many condoms you need to...

1. Learn to keep it in your pants... seriously you have to be a walking VD

2. Cut down on the number of Ho's you have.... 4 to 7 Ho's to a pimp should be sufficent.

3. Get into porn if you like to fuck that much you might as well get paid to do it... and they supply the condoms

Come on folks A.j. won a year supply of condoms a while back and he got like 200 shit he was passing them out like candy...

OK yeah not a good thought their...

Muffins... Jumbo Muffins... Jumbo bulk muffins... OK pick either Jumbo or Bulk they can't be both Jumbo or Bulk their is a reason why the waistband of america is expanding and it's not the fine folks at Krispy Kreme.

Beer why can I only buy beer in a 24 pack? WARM?? If milk can be kept warm and bread can be fresh is it to much to ask that the beer be oh I don't know COLD!

Ok that is enough of my musings I need to find some place to stash my 300 pack of toliet paper.


Anonymous said...

my personal favorite is the five gallon bucket of laundry detergent...not to be left open around unattended toddlers.

Anonymous said...

Strong Bad recommends jumbo/LARGE (

The Lady said...

I can find many reasons to buy condoms in bulk. I completely disagree with you (and yes I am this far behind on reading your blogs)