Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Making promises you will never keep

I think I have finally found a problem with all of the napsters of the world and napsters spawn.... crappy music. You all know what I'm talking about... that song you loved in High School it's was "cool" for the day and you liked it. None of your friends did but dammit you were cooler then your friends and therefore had better taste in music. Somewhere between now and highschool you copied all of your CD's to MP3 and loaded them up into your computer. Never really playing them but they were their because dammit you have good taste in music.

Somewhere in the last couple of years you bought a iPod and stared to use iTunes to organize your music. Life was good.

Sometime after that you created a auto playlist that you defined rather broadly so that you would have the maxium amount of music on it.

And that is when you realize that you at some point along the line actually owned... Ini Kamozie "Hot stepper"

And suddenly you realize that you taste in music from High School actually is crap.

But at least you can take solace in the fact that your "Incubus" albums will all be timeless... or will they?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Annoyed by a million screams....

I'm listening to Disturbed's new album... they have a cover of "Land of Confusion". Most of you who are over the age of 23 will remember this as the video with the puppets of the various world leaders in the 80's...

It's not bad.... I would be curious to see if the "covered" the video... not that the video would get much air play. It would be curious to say the least....

At least the closing scene of the video would still hold true..


Friday, September 16, 2005

Na Na Na Na Na Na BEER!

Beer is truly good.. of course I'm not saying anything that any one who reads this drivel hasn't already read before. Mainly it's worth writing because it's the first beer in two weeks and it's just that good.

Anyway I'm fine thanks for asking.

I've been trying to write while sitting in front of the tv... I find that I can't get anything out that is up to my usual sub-par standards and I always get distracted. Granted it's not hard to do but it's even easier when you are actively trying to do it.

3 weeks to the Serenity Premire
2 Weeks till I close on the house
1 week till lan party

Life is good right now.... now if only I had more beer.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

And now for something...

I know it's photoshopped....

I know it's wrong to post when our country is in Crisis...

But I just can't stop laughing...

Transistors Gone Wild

1. Got a house under contract!

2. New Cell phone
2a. New Ringers for friends
Scott - As good as I once was
Brandi - Rooster
Curtis - Tribute (subject to change)
Clint - Get a phone number of your own

3. What my back now faces when I'm at the computer in Curtis's office

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Franken Parents

So what do you get when you mix the following items

1. round the clock news coverage
2. A wireless network
3. A Laptop computer
4. Two parents who are just now realizing the true potential of technology

Yep my parents with have discovered the horror/joy of using a laptop. I in my mid twenties find it rather disturbing. There is just something unholy about the marriage of technology and old people.

Though the wireless router I bought for my parents does have this nifty yellow light on it and it flashes all sorts of colors when you push it. I have no clue what it does but it looks cool.

Yeah I'm in Kingman I don't have much to write about.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm all choked up inside

Wow! Who would of thought that I would have to take out a second mortgage to pay for gas for my truck. Shit it's not even a big truck it's a FUCKING TOYOTA! I can't win. I would bitch more but there are so many reason as to why gas prices are this high in my opinion that I'm not going to go into them for fear of have my heart explode. Or my head.. they both have a lot of blood and I do tend to run a little hot.

Speaking of things that are just about unbelivable but true.... I placed a bid on a house last week. 1200sqft 2bd 2bath nice little place just off of the 101 and with in about 10 minutes of Fry's which as we all know is a huge thing for me. Well I was supposed to find out how I did in the bidding yesterday... when I called my real estate agen she told me that there were so many bids on the house that the selling agent had to put them into a spread sheet to keep them straight for the seller.

I may have had a small edge because I was actually going to live in the place as opposed to turn around and sit on it for a investment. Great... so needless to say I'm back on the hunt for a house.

I'm going to go figure out how many times a week I need to sell my body in order to afford gas for my truck... I will worry about the house later.