Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's a mad world...

So after 18 months of relative stagnation in terms of overall storage capacity. You know the storage capacity that you have available to you at any given time that is not dedicated on Hard Disks that also contain a OS. I seem to have gone a bit a nuts...

In the last month I went from ~400GB of Storage to somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.1TB of usable storage (The number is closer to 1.5TB of raw storage). Holy hard disk batman what are you going to do with all of that storage? Honestly I don't know. Partially I'm fairly paranoid about losing data and insist on having multiple copies of everything. You know backups of backups of backups.

Yes in my world there is fantastic data redundancy but data continuity (being able to continue to use that data for something useful) sucks.

At least I've had the good sense to get a couple of external hard drives so I can put anything I want in a off line long term storage sitting in a closet someplace. I mean really though 1.1TB of storage?

I don't care who you are there is only so much music/video/tv/porn/writing/games you can put onto a computer before it fills up.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

PS3 vs. Wii

And you guys wonder why I want a Wii... silly people.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I can see things I know I shouldn't...

So the Cardinals are finally 2-8.... I guess a win is a win even if it is the Lions. I remember starting the season out with hopes of 7-9 maybe just maybe 8-8. Right now I'm hoping from for 4-12 and new offensive line in the spring from the draft bunny.

And so goes the life of a Cardinals fan...

So in your surfing of the intertubes and the intertube known as the Discovery Channel. There is a excellent program on modern day Iran. It's really good and in my mind it was presented in a fair and balanced way. But not in the way of a certain 24 hour news network who's mantra is "Fair and Balanced". It was done by Ted Koppell so you know it's quality.

E will like it if anyone gets through the first 20 minutes I will be impressed.

So who turned on the Christmas switch? Saturday afternoon not a sign of Christmas anywhere Sunday afternoon fucking Christmas carols at wally world and neighbors are starting to put up lights.

I wonder if I can find a "Bah Humbug" sign for the front yard.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Why it's Wii-tastic!

So the Nintendo Wii is released tomorrow. Which means that age old tradition of gamers the world over is in progress tonight.

The camp at the store to wait for th system. Having never witnessed this before I decided to take a jaunt this evening and see what kind of people camp for a video game system.

In a word... "goth-tastic" Actually I should go easy on them since only a few short years ago I would have been there with them.

Me I'm much to patient to wait for something over night.... nice oxymoron huh?

Any way kudos to the folks in front of Wal-mart who had a tv with them and were playing what looked to be either the original Mario or Super Mario 3. Either way they win my vote for the most dedicated Nintendo player of the year.

As for me. Well I'm waiting for the Costco super pack.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Now tell me what you saw...

Two things occoured today that I feel are worthy of writing... 1 event questioned one of the very tenets of my conscious eating. The other one told me a little bit more about a large American company.

This post will also come very close the no talk of work policy I have but both of these revelations happened during lunch. So they don't count.

I made the rule I can make the exceptions.

1. A manager from our PACS vendor showed up today to get feedback from our docs. Now what happens when you have a vendor show up? Thats right kids FREE LUNCH!!! While this dude and my cohorts in crime were talking I noticed that everyone had run into him at one time or another at a bar of one sort of another. Never a golf course, conference, restaurant... a bar every story I heard. So I got to thinking and all good stories with this vendor generally have something to do with a bar.

Hmmm I think I like our PACS vendor.

2. I have found a Mexican restaurant that violates the law of Mexican restaurants. i.e the nicer the Mexican joint the crappier the food. This was actually a pretty decent joint and had really good food!

Of course E will never eat there... everything was drowning in cheese.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Once again the ol desktop is getting a bit long in the tooth and is starting to approach it's three year upgrade cycle. This time around I'm presented with a different set of circumstances then what I'm used to.

1. CPU speeds have basically flat lined for the last 24 months. All CPU speed gains are being made by tweaking manufacturing processes, on die cache, instruction sets, and dual cores. The dual core thing is probably the most significant change to happen in a long time. Sadly it's not the march of technology it's the bloat of a certain OS that runs the world.

2. Video Cards change like the direction of the wind. It's the one thing in the PC world that is still barreling along full speed.

3. Vista... When will it be worth the upgrade? Is it worth it to load vista upfront and take advantage of it's neat new features (dx10, aero, other things) or do I keep running xp pro for another 3 years?

4. Hard Drives, the first solid state hard drives are coming to market in the next 3 to 6 months. First gen tech is never a sure bet but these things may break alot of those rules.

There are other considerations but these are the top 4.

You know this would all be a lot easier if there was a way to play all of my games under MAC OS X as easily as I do under windows. Actually if I could play EVE and Half-Life I would be very happy.

So begins Project "Pegasus"

Friday, November 10, 2006


Possible cylon agent?

Thursday, November 09, 2006

87,648 hours....

My oh my look at how time flies.

Yes ten years ago my parents came kicking and screaming into the 20th century. They got the internet. We were far from the last family in town to get the internet but the first of the people I knew and worked with.

Curtis you don't count... I didn't start dealing with you until after this event.

How do I know this much less remember this? It's easy. I was helping my dad try to find "the damned election results" for two people he knew that were running for office. I think both of them lost but that is my first definitive memory of helping someone find something on the internet.

Yes in those days we were styling with our 80486SX/8MB/220MBHD w/ a 12inch color monitor. Windows 3.1 and Dos 6.2

Yes it was ancient even then... I got my first computer that was truly mine about a month later as a early graduation gift.

OH and don't forget the 28.8k modem on both of them :)

7 computers later.... I think I need another upgrade.

So hug your loved ones and remember it could be worse we could all be using some mix betweenm minitel and aol

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The crickets outside....

I think this is the first time I've ever sat on my back porch.... ever.

Not in all the years I lived in Kingman the time in flag ever... this is the first time I've come back here and just sat and did my own version of meditation.

My neighbor to the east of me is doing something I could hear him in my office with the music and video game going it really sounds like he's cleaning or putting stuff in the trash. And now he's done.

There is a house behind me it's two stories none of the lights are on. If I didn't know where to look for the pitch of the roof I would say that there was nothing there. It's really kind of shocking that you could lose a house like that.

crickets that is what amazes me the most down here... I didn't expect to hear crickets in mesa...I don't really hear crickets when I'm in high country at night like I'm hearing them right now. I know that neighbors on 2 of 3 sides have a backyard like mine pretty green and lots of plants.

This is the first place that I've lived that feels like a "home" to me. Not a cave with carpeted floors and a TV. Granted it's still pretty sparse in the "Better homes and gardens" sense of cluttered but I like it. I truly think the best part of my house is the backyard.

Growing up we had a huge backyard I never liked it... the grass was short... there was no shade dog crap all over the place (a certain sibling was tasked to clean up said crap and never did on a regular basis) I'm pretty sure that is why I'm a cat person. I like dogs I just don't like them enough to own one. Cat's are cool you can have a convesation with a cat and they will just look at you like "WTF foool".

You talk to a dog and they think that everything that comes out of your mouth is pure gold.

Anyone else ever notice how a harley sounds like a prop airplane when it's going down the road?

Tough job...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The little blogger(s) that could....

Hmmm it would seem that hell has frozen over at some point in the last two weeks. Curtis went and finally hooked himself up with a big boy blog.

I never thought I would see the day.

And since I'm "pimping" blogs...

You should also check out Cody's blog for he is wise in the ways of america jr and some even say mayo... not miracle whip... Mayo.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Just how bad it truly was....

I'm still scarred by the experience. I don't think I can take another one like it again.

Friday, November 03, 2006

MU Tom...

That is Mirror Universe (MU) for those of you who don't watch Star Trek.

I'm back from the high country of Arizona where I spent 9 glorious days riding over dirt roads looking for deer and not stupid users.

I didn't shave once the entire time.

Why you ask?

Simple, deer don't care how you look when your shooting at them they only care that you are shooting at them.

The other reason... I wanted to see just how bad a full beard would look... after 9 days I can tell you that it looks pretty bad... and when I say bad I mean awful and when I say awful I mean it's now gone.

Except for a small part that is trying to look like a goatee... and it's not doing do hot...

I look like a star trek mirror universe player.... you know patron #9 at quarks bar who in the regular universe does not have a goatee. But sits in the same bar stool and is decidedly less dastardly in the regular universe.

MU Tom isn't gone, but he will be next time I find a sharp razor and five minutes.