Sunday, October 31, 2004

All hollow's event

You know I think Halloween is just fundemtially screwed up for the following reasons.

1. The simpson's tree house of horror is on next week... a full week after halloween and not to night.

2. I've had more then a few adult tricker-treaters. Granted they were with their kids but still...

3. I blew threw 5 bags of candy in 1.5 hours. I guess I was being to generous.

Yeah those are my gripes about halloween.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Milwaukee's Beast.....

Oh man.... there is just something so wrong about a beer buzz from Miller Lite.

It's not just wrong it's actually unholy.

Very unholy.

I think the only thing more unholy then a Milwaukee's Beast beer buzz is possibly the Cardnials winning the super bowl and possibly that Britney Spears hasn't posed nude in Playboy yet. It's gotta be a matter of time. It's just got to be.

At this point I will settle for Pink.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The secret to life lies within....

Your local Japense steak house... you know those joints where they cook the food right in front of you...mmm so good... .so much food... handy tip do not mix rice and beer..... goes POOOFFF in your stomach and then your full. Though I think what really did me in was the burger at lunch.

So yeah I like going to school in Milwaukee it's a pain in the ass to travel, but the food is worth it. I think the real secret is to come with a director of a deptartment that way you keep getting wined and dined.

Yeah it's cold... it's cold today like Kingman would be on it's worse day of winter. So that pretty much tells me right there why I live in Arizona and not the upper midwest. That and I have a severe distate for snow.

I saw a liscence plat on a New Beetle today that said "UNIXBUG" I thought it was very cool however it was from Utah so that means they probally worked for SCO and SCO is evil boys and girls.

So I have a number of friends blogs that I hit when I travel it helps with breaking up the boredom and since none of my Instant messenger accounts or email work I'm pretty much limited to this and the IRON boards for outside communication. Tonight I was making the rounds and Brandi typed the following " i wish i could be like tom and come up with really clever subjects. but nope." well Brandi I'm now going to provide you with the secret to my "clever subject lines"

"Let it flow" Pay no attention to who you may offend and just let what ever is on your mind out in a subeject. It also helps that I get copious amounts of this at work and on the IRON boards. That helps just remember if it offends someone then 10 other people found it funny. If it's your audience that is something else entierly.

Ok now it's time to work on left overs.

Monday, October 25, 2004

From the land of beer and cheese...

Well 24 hours in Milwaukee and what do I have to say for myself... well for one thing I've now had more alchol here in the last 3 hours then I did the entire week I was here before. Got to love traveling with clinical folks.

Kind of a intersting dynamic that goes on with clinical people, they are very friendly and work with each other and you get the feeling that they probally hang out together with each other on a regular basis outside of work. At least the one's I'm travelling with. Which is a stark contrast to myself who really just keeps to himself and doesn't pay much attention to anything. What can I say I'm a loner... alway have always will be (probally)

I don't know, I think being a loner is just a much apart of me as my love of beer and computers. I remember growing up that it used to drive me up the walls that my brother wouldn't leave me alone. Now it still drives me up the walls that he won't leave me alone. Just now he only drops by every couple of days and does not live in the next room over.

I think the biggest problem I've always had with the work that I do when it comes to working with other people is the generation gap. I think just relating to the older generation is the part that I have the most problems with. I see my self as their equal... they see me as a kid at least initall I don't know about after a while. For me it's just odd, damn my parents and their strong work ethic up brining.

I guess better to do this now then to be married with children and be doing all this traveling.

Of course I need to have a girlfriend first.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Saturday cleaning the mind and house

Saturday what a time to do nothing... but if you are me this saturday then you are cleaning and getting ready for a trip to Milwaukee.

I can't say I'm that excited about this trip I feel like I'm not wanted on it. I haven't gotten my conformation for place I'm staying. This is all on top of the fact that Milwaukee is pretty cold this time of year. OK check that I just went to the weather channel and it's no worse up there right now then it is in Flagstaff this time of year. Actually it was colder on my Elk hunt then it will be up there.

That is a little comforting.

I really don't know, I've had alot of time to think the last week and half and it just seems like I'm in high speed neutral at the hospital. I want to leave, at the same time though I don't want to leave something that is very familiar to me. I don't know if it's the hospital or Kingman itself. I really don't know anymore. I can't decide why I'm not happy, I have good friends who I think like me (hmmm maybe that is it right there), I had a girlfriend(s) (I don't think that will do anything to make me happier over the long term though a blow job sure does sound nice), A job I like (yes I know I was just bitching about the hospital but I do enjoy the work I do... though the people I work with border on just this side of ridiciouls from time to time).

I think it's time to start thinking some pretty big things over pretty hard.

Friday, October 22, 2004

And the hardware came knocking.

OK like I really need down time... I've been hunting for the last week, buy hey everyone has their own prefrence of what the like to do when then want to do nothing. My prefrence just happens to be to fart around with computers. It just so happens that I do that when I'm at work too. But I don't get burnt out on it when I'm at home.

Anyway so I was 3 fisting computers this morning (sad I know) I had my laptop going updating SWG and Mining in EVE. I had my main rig going it was dialed to and had instructions listed for how to install Gentoo Linux (more on that later) I also in the background was surfing the Internet and was listening to Wil Wheaton's performance from Gnomdex. And then on my Linux box I was installing Gentoo Linux.

Let me talk to you about Gentoo Linux for just a moment. This is a true "geek" distro. There is no warm and fuzzy gui installer. It's all text based and comes off of a LiveCD of course that is the easy way to do it. The hard way involves a floppy and ALOT of time. I chose the easy way. I'm a geek but by god Jim I'm not superman. So there I was happily compiling my Kernel this morning (man that almost sounds like geek code for something else). And my Linux box froze up.... What the hell goes I? I can't reboot it since I will lose my install and have to start all over (which is not a option since it's taken me damn near 4 hours to get to this point). I wait for a minute and everything is responding again. Okay cool... I try to recompile... this time I have a kernal crash... crap now I have to reboot. So I reboot the box and "Tempature Warning" flashes at the bottom of the screen very quickly. So I reboot again and dump into BIOS and check my CPU tempature. 233F Uh that is not right.... normally a CPU will run at 120F maybe 140F on a hot system but 233F is just asking for trouble. So I dump out of the BIOS and continue to boot to see if my suspicions are true. Yes they are true, the mysterious crashes and lock ups that my linux box has been suffering for the last couple of weeks are a direct result of the CPU tempature being to high. So I turn off the machine and now there it sits.

At this point I'm at a cross roads with my Linux Machine. I can 1. Repair it and bring it back online 2. Forget about and it and fully move everything the Linux box used to do to my old box (Prometheus) and scrap the Linux box. 3. Forget everything and just run off of one box.

3 is out of the question. I'm more inclined to do 1 over 2 just because it will take some time and I like having a Linux box to play with. That and the fact I run my second SWG account off of my old box has something to do with it as well.

The joys of being a computer geek.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Back from the edge of eternity...

OK so I'm back from the edge of eternity... where I did nothing, because the edge of eternity is not anywhere near here. How did I get there you ask? Good question I'm still working on that one.

Anyway it's now time to fill every one up with the love and joy that is Tom. First off congrats to Krissy and Curtis who got married earlier this month. Krissy looked the blushing bride part perfectly and Curtis... Well Curtis looked his goofy damn self. Only in a tux, and he is kind of tall so he didn't look like a penquin or anything. Though if he gained a little more weight... hmmmm

Any congrats to Krissy and Curtis.

Next up... Elk hunting. Actually not so much hunting as it was fighting the cold and wet, walking around the middle of nowhere Arizona looking for elk that we know are there but can't find them to save our lives. Yeah that actually just about sums it up. I had fun. If nothing else it was a week off of work and quality time with dad.

OK this isn't supposed to be what is going on in my life it's supposed to be what's running through my head.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Even in a group I'm still a loner.

So I'm playing EVE ( right now and I'm going around from system to system picking stuff up. This in of itself is not that exciting. It's not exciting for two reasons. 1. It's my Alternate Character (or what those in the know call a "Alt") and 2. It's all pretty safe space so I'm good to go there. I think what I like best about EVE is that it's a relaxed game that I can come in and out of at will... basically the ALT character does all the grunt work of mining and making money while the main character just hangs out. I know it sounds complicated but... ok it doesn't sound complicated. If anything it's just a way to kill time.

As for the title of this post... my Guild has a EVE team... but I'm not very active in it mainly because I can't stand PvP (Player vs Player) combat, and again with the whole liking being a loner thing. Doesn't work so well in Star Wars Galaxies, the whole loner thing... so I'm a little more social in that but right now Star Wars I only play when I have a large block of known free time.

I really think that EVE is a microcosim of the rest of my life right now. I feel like I'm in neutral with my personal life. Don't get me wrong my profesional is good... personal life is pretty good. I have friends who like me and geninuely enjoy being around me. I just need something more...

and I don't mean a dog.

Monday, October 04, 2004

The sublime joy that is blogger...

Know what? I really dig this blogger format of doing my writing... it works very well with my train of thought and how disjointed I really can be. I think the part I like best is the fact that it's all web based and works across multiple platforms. Now that I really dig.... Then again I'm a computer guy and I dig just about anything that tickles my funny bone.

So I guess that means that blogger tickles my funny bone?

OK moving on.

Downloading the Jump to Lightspeed Beta for Star Wars Galaxies... but that is all I can really say at this point. And actually according to the NDA I'm not really supposed to say that.

and with that I'm done... I know not much but it's monday so you can't expect great things out of me.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

How much is that stripper in the window?

Did a bachelor party this weekend... good friend of mine getting married... had to end his single life in style. It was a good time.

The highlight of the evening (actually night we started at 4pm and finished at 4am) was the strip club. First time in a strip club so I did what came totally naturally to me... I looked at boobies the whole time... now everyone say this with me "BOOBIES GOOD!" Ok there we go... yes boobies good. I have to say that I was immpressed with most of the boob jobs I saw in there but I gotta say I like the natural stuff better... there is more jiggle and lets face it I like a little jiggle in my boobies.

But damn that first lap dancer had a nice set real or now who cares. Then again so did the blondes...

So many women so little money for enough lap dances for the bachleor party guy.