Friday, October 22, 2004

And the hardware came knocking.

OK like I really need down time... I've been hunting for the last week, buy hey everyone has their own prefrence of what the like to do when then want to do nothing. My prefrence just happens to be to fart around with computers. It just so happens that I do that when I'm at work too. But I don't get burnt out on it when I'm at home.

Anyway so I was 3 fisting computers this morning (sad I know) I had my laptop going updating SWG and Mining in EVE. I had my main rig going it was dialed to and had instructions listed for how to install Gentoo Linux (more on that later) I also in the background was surfing the Internet and was listening to Wil Wheaton's performance from Gnomdex. And then on my Linux box I was installing Gentoo Linux.

Let me talk to you about Gentoo Linux for just a moment. This is a true "geek" distro. There is no warm and fuzzy gui installer. It's all text based and comes off of a LiveCD of course that is the easy way to do it. The hard way involves a floppy and ALOT of time. I chose the easy way. I'm a geek but by god Jim I'm not superman. So there I was happily compiling my Kernel this morning (man that almost sounds like geek code for something else). And my Linux box froze up.... What the hell goes I? I can't reboot it since I will lose my install and have to start all over (which is not a option since it's taken me damn near 4 hours to get to this point). I wait for a minute and everything is responding again. Okay cool... I try to recompile... this time I have a kernal crash... crap now I have to reboot. So I reboot the box and "Tempature Warning" flashes at the bottom of the screen very quickly. So I reboot again and dump into BIOS and check my CPU tempature. 233F Uh that is not right.... normally a CPU will run at 120F maybe 140F on a hot system but 233F is just asking for trouble. So I dump out of the BIOS and continue to boot to see if my suspicions are true. Yes they are true, the mysterious crashes and lock ups that my linux box has been suffering for the last couple of weeks are a direct result of the CPU tempature being to high. So I turn off the machine and now there it sits.

At this point I'm at a cross roads with my Linux Machine. I can 1. Repair it and bring it back online 2. Forget about and it and fully move everything the Linux box used to do to my old box (Prometheus) and scrap the Linux box. 3. Forget everything and just run off of one box.

3 is out of the question. I'm more inclined to do 1 over 2 just because it will take some time and I like having a Linux box to play with. That and the fact I run my second SWG account off of my old box has something to do with it as well.

The joys of being a computer geek.

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