Monday, November 20, 2006

I can see things I know I shouldn't...

So the Cardinals are finally 2-8.... I guess a win is a win even if it is the Lions. I remember starting the season out with hopes of 7-9 maybe just maybe 8-8. Right now I'm hoping from for 4-12 and new offensive line in the spring from the draft bunny.

And so goes the life of a Cardinals fan...

So in your surfing of the intertubes and the intertube known as the Discovery Channel. There is a excellent program on modern day Iran. It's really good and in my mind it was presented in a fair and balanced way. But not in the way of a certain 24 hour news network who's mantra is "Fair and Balanced". It was done by Ted Koppell so you know it's quality.

E will like it if anyone gets through the first 20 minutes I will be impressed.

So who turned on the Christmas switch? Saturday afternoon not a sign of Christmas anywhere Sunday afternoon fucking Christmas carols at wally world and neighbors are starting to put up lights.

I wonder if I can find a "Bah Humbug" sign for the front yard.


Curtis said...

There is a rule in my house.
No Christmas until after Thanksgiving.

This weekend I will consider putting up lights.

I saw the last 20 minutes of the Iran piece. I didn't realize it was on until it was too late. I was really looking forward to watching it. I'm not heartbroken though. Its the Discovery channel. It will get rerun over and over and over and over and over again.

Evey Marievey said...

I tried to find the Iran thing in the Discovery Channels online schedule of whatevers and couldn't. I was disappointed.

Then again, I'm not even sure if my TV does the Discovery Channel...