And with out of the ashes rose a "Pegasus"
So when I got home from hunting I came home to a desktop rig that would not turn on, after 3 hours of dicking with it I still couldn't get it to post. This is the 5th time this year it's done something like this to me and 3rd time since August.
So I did what any sane normal person would do, I ordered the parts for a new PC.
So 3 days and a bit of money later I now have a desktop rig and laptop rig that are truly on par with each other in almost all aspects except for one.
After screwing with Vista for 3 days to finally get it where I want it I am no longer of the opinion that those Mac vs PC commercials were were advertisments... THEY WERE WARNINGS!
Vista vs MAC OS X, hands down no contest MAC OS wins and I'm not saying that just because I have special place in my heart for Unix based operating systems either. It truly is the better OS, except for that whole playing games thing... Steve Jobs, hell Fake Steve Jobs even, if your reading this GAMES ARE NOT BAD THEY ARE GOOD!
So yeah I'm on Vista but it is nice to have a desktop rig that can play all of my games again. I guess that is why I bought a MAC so I could do work on it and not be bothered with all of the games.
Two final thoughts...
1. I know a few of you (Clint) are probally kind of curios as to what I got for a rig, The general specs are a.... Intel E6850, 4GB of RAM, 500GB HD (main system drive), 8800 GTS 320MB Video Card.
2. I also upgraded from Tiger to Lepoard on the Mac over the weekend... I found the icon for a PC file share server to be how you say... Intersting : )