Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A message....

Not directed at anyone person in particular... mostly... don't think these messages are for you? Print out this blog post and write in your name, instant personal message from Tom!

Hey ___________ I picked up the new TOOL DVD today... I basically paid $10 for a 8 minute video and a 45 minute documentary. Yet I don't feel ripped off! You should pick it up or borrow it next time your in my neck of the woods.

Hey ___________ I heard this line and thought of you.... "finally I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows" (al gore)

Hey ___________ They hypnotoad commercials aren't nearly as good as the hypnotoad show... all hail hypnotoad!

Why only three? Well if you read more often you would know that now wouldn't you.

Ok just so you don't feel left out you big baby...

Hey ____________ Catch this movie trailer before it's taken down from the site it's posted to!


Curtis said...


Does this mean you picked up the Futurama DVD?

Evey Marievey said...

Al Gore says....What the hell is hypnotoad? Probably a mutation caused by global warming.

brambo24 said...

'twas already taken down.