Sunday, February 13, 2005

Oh the burns the flesh!

Good lord it's 9:30 on a Sunday morning and I'm making a post... I must be feeling sick or I just have something to say.

I'm willing to bet that I just feel sick. Very rarely do I have anything worthwhile to say. At least I think so, then again you people are the sick and twisted that keep coming back for more of my goodness :)

OK moving on, What's up with all of these "Magnetic ribbon's" on peoples cars? I keep seeing Yellow "Support our Troops" which I'm all for and Red, White, and Blue in the style of the American flag. I think that one is for supporting our country but I'm not quite sure as I've never seen it up close long enough to actually read it and then there is the Pink ribbon for "Breast Cancer awareness" I don't know about you but I'm a guy and I'm checking my man boobies for tumors... I don't think you can get any more aware then that.

So where are the ribbon's for protectings us from censorship from our own government and the NFL.. by god the girl was hot and I should have been able to have seen her twice during the superbowl not just once... but no instead we have 30 minutes of mister I'm the most successful surviving beetle.. Yes I didn't like the half time show... I could have defiantly worked with a Brittany Spears "Full wardrobe malfunction" personal thought right there. Seriously when FOX blurs out a cartoon characters rear end because they are afraid of fines from the FCC when 2 years ago they showed the same scene from the same show from the same episode unblurred you know things have gotten out of control. Remember this is FOX this is the same network that brought us low brow humor and scantily clad women on a nightly basis.. and actually it still does.

What about a ribbon for free speech in all of it's forms whether it be by a person speaking or source code to a program.

What about a ribbon for the fact that our nation has 250,000 men and women at war and when they get back they may or may not have all the money they need to continue with higher education if they so choose? OK this one is kind of interesting... but hear me out. I have a good friend who was medically discharged from the Marines about 2 years ago now and has part of the GI Bill paying for school but he still has to work and still has to make other bills. Personal thought but anyone who serves in the military should get a full ride to any public university in their home state on the governments dime. I'm sorry what we pay our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen. Is pitiful and then they are put in harms way... they deserve a full ride to college.

OK it appears that I actually do have something to say. Maybe just maybe this is the start of something different or it's just me venting... who knows.

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