So it's no secret that I like beer... Light beer, dark beer, hoppy beer, holiday beer, summer beer, winter beer, wheat beer, rice beer. The list goes on and on and on and on.
This notion of beer love got me thinking tonight... What beers do I like and how can I share that with my loyal readership? Well ok 2.1 of you who drink beer, .5 of you is a pansy and only drink "whiskey" (pansy) and the .4 don't drink at all (I admire you for your steadfastness but I can't but wonder how you make it through the day)
So lets start at the beginning (where we should start will all things) and talk about my personal favorite...
Yes the true "King of Beers" actually you know that is a insult.... NO... Guiness is the Nectar of the Gods!
Actually Guiness is a stout... which is a very ummm stout beer. OK you know what let me go find a wikipedia entry for Guiness.
Hold ON... I found something even better... Looks like the internet is for more then just P0rn!
"An extra-dark, almost black, top-fermenting brew, made with highly roasted malts. Sweet stout, an English style, is typified by Mackeson, which has only about 3.75 percent alcohol by volume in its domestic market but more than 5 in the Americas. Sweet stout usually contains milk sugars (lactose), and is a soothing restorative. Dry stout, the Irish style, is typified by Guinness, which comes in at around 4 percent in the British Isles, a little more in North America and as much as 8 in tropical countries. Dry stouts sometimes contain roasted unmalted barley. Imperial Stout, originally brewed as a winter warmer, for sale in the Tsarist Russian Empire, is medium dry and distinguished by its great strength: anything from 7 to more than 10."
Guiness and I have a long history... but that is for another entry.
Moving on, there is a picture of me floating around holding a bottle of "Polygamy Porter". Now this is significant for two reasons. 1. It's the only "posed" picture of myself that I actually like and 2. It's the only porter I've drank in the last couple of years that I've actually enjoyed.
Again from the dude at
"A London style that became extinct, though it has recently been revived. It was a lighter-bodied companion to stout, and the most accurate revivals are probably the porters made by American micro-brewers like Sierra Nevada. Around 5 percent by volume. In some countries, the porter tradition remains in roasty-tasting dark brews that are bottom-fermented, and often of a greater strength."
Polygamy porter is made by a micro brewer in.... Salt Lake City? OK looks like Mormons do drink beer the just don't owe up to it. Anywhoo the quote is and the beer are both spot on... it's got a "roasted nut" taste to it.
I'm also very fond of Fat Tire Amber Ale... Actually I like all ales... shit who are we kidding I like all beers.... but yeah Fat Tire is my favorite for regional type beer.
So let me just go ahead and list different beers I like and we can all move on.
Oak Creek Stout... It's like Guiness only not quite as smooth a bit more bite to it. About the only good thing to come out of the relationship with the bitch.
Sam Adams... I'm again in the boat of liking just about anything this brewery puts out. Sam Adam's Light is their best brew in my mind. Octoberfest is a close second.
There are many other beers... but that is for another time.
I leave you know with a view of my fridge from a month or two ago.