Thursday, August 31, 2006

If your not into Linux don't read this....

Wow... so I went to do a yum update on my Linux box which is currently running Cent OS 4.3 and it's automagically upgrading to Cent OS 4.4!

Now I know this might not seem like a big deal to you but to me that is rather cool!

No CD to download just yum it and away you go.

So far my biggest complaint about CentOS is that there isn't alot of stuff in their yum repo's as compared to suse or fedora. But it does everything that I want it to do which is be my Linux server. OH and certain programs that are written for Linux I can't seem to find dependicies that work... you know little things like PYTHON!

Speaking of which I haven't talked about Linux in a while and my screwing around with Linux at home is finally starting to pay off in the work place (And Adam thought that is would never lead to anything).

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