Sunday, August 06, 2006

The one with a lot of titles...

Tonight's entry is being brought to you by a good self cooked dinner and the realization that you all (all 3.2 of you) have gone far to long with out being blessed by my cosmic bullshit. So tonight and tonight only you get not one, not two, but THREE!!!!11!!!1!11!1! Entries for the clickage of one entry!

Lets take a trip shall we....

I am Jack's Inner Ass kicker....

I got the new Ikea catalog last week... I know sad, hold on it gets worse. I opened it up and was looking through it and found a couch that would go very nicely in my back room. Fold out and the whole bit so Dorkus wouldn't have to sleep on a air mattress. Now when this thought flashed across my brain it was immediately followed by "Do you own your stuff, or does your stuff own you" which if you've seen "Fight Club" as much as I have you understand where that line came from. I don't know if I'm two steps away from space monkeys or not. I do know that we should all be very worried if I start missing my 10 PM bed time and seemingly start going all over the country.

Like a hamster on a wheel...

So I've finally gotten off of my ass and gone back to the gym. Yep I'm actually partaking in physical activity. Now those of you who have been long time readers (and therefore friends for a long while) will remember that I frequented the gym in Kingman on a regular basis. For all the fucking good it did me. This time I will follow the food plan (read as diet) and actually go!

I suspect I will have fallen off of the wagon in 2 or 3 weeks. More bitching to follow stay tuned to this cespool for additional updates.

Though I have to admit the eating every two hours thing works rather nicely for me.

I have to apologize.....

Ok I've been proven wrong... no I don't have a girlfriend. If that were the case I would be proven wrong a lot more then once a year.

I was watching the movie "Underworld" today on TNT. I was surprised it was actually pretty good. It also reaffirmed my infatuation with brunettes in leather and being very gothic.

So yeah go rent Underworld... and I suspect that it's sequel "Underword:Evolution" is either as gothtastic as the first or far surpasses it.


Anonymous said...

The sequel is better than the first.

Anonymous said...

your stuff owns you...unless you have an inner ass kicker

Anonymous said...

tom's first full length book:

Xtreme Speak for the Computer Geek

to include:
"that was hella rad clickage, man!"