Monday, June 27, 2005

$.50 cheaper then the real thing...

I had a intersting conversation at work today... a coworker in another department was experssing her frustration about her husband who has recently been discharged from the military after being in Iraq. In her words he just lays around the house and takes classes at MCC. She is extremly frustrated by this. I understand where she is coming from, she's working 40 hours a week. He's not. I think it's intersting to note that after WW2 upon discharge you were given a $20 a week stipened for one year. Think about it, in 1945/46 that would go a long way. Back then you could live off of that money. Just a little perspecitve for everyone.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Insane in the membrane

I've been thinking alot lately... About alot of stuff. Personal, proffesional, spirtiual you know the basics. I've not really had any great reflections or insights. Nothing is jumping out at me saying "HEY THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR" I don't think one should expect to find those things when they are looking in on themselves. The reason I bring it up is because there is no one thing that triggered this latest inward looking. I just started doing it. The last time I was like this was right as I was finishing school.

I don't I think it's just the funky weather we are having here today... it's feels very much like flag did that last couple of days I was up there.

I don't know about you folks.... you all keep reading this drivel... and I keep writing it. I don't think that this is the healthiest realtionship.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

On the stone it's time to go...

Things brewing...could this be the start of something?

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I need a fix!

I've been having this weird problem with my iPod for a couple of weeks now. What's been happening is songs have been cutting out in the middle of playing... it was really quite annoying. I traced it back to my 200gb hard drive from hell. The one that works but it is really having data integrity problems. I'm thinking about RMAing the sucker. I don't know if it's the drive or the SATA card it's plugged into. It's rather annoying at any rate.

When Rednecks move....

Flipped down to Phoenix this weekend to help Curtis and Kristina move into their shiny new house that is as old as me. So compared to my house it's way new (theirs was built in 79 mine was built in 66) Wow my house is going to be 40 years old next year... that does not make me feel good. Anyway... I go to Phoenix thinking that their is going to be 4 of us and three trucks... well Matt bailed on us... (thanks alot Matt... bastard ) Don had to work(slacker)... I will cut him some slack on that one but not much. So it's Curtis and me... all day... in Phoenix... in June... We did 15 round trips between the two of us. We started at 9A.M. We officaly finished and had dinner at 10P.M. (thanks Bev)

Lets just say the only thing missing from the whole affair was bailing wire and duck tape. We probally could have used it in a few spots.

So congrats go out to the Krissy and Curtis on their new house

When I'm in Phoenix I do like to listen to the radio since they more of a selection then we have here in Hell. Curtis turned me onto one station 103.9 it's a locally owned station (read as not Clear Channel) they actually play music. Which is always a good call for a radio station. They also have a Ska-Punk show... actually it's more of a underground punk show. Anyway it's a god station.

They had this one band on called "The Network" that I decided to play $10 on iTunes. I'm actually rather digging it. It's almost a new wave type of punk... it's diffrent and yet still good I think this one is going on the to burn list for a few friends.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

It doesn't matter who you are.

On a whim this week I picked up Coldplay's new CD. I like harder stuff but, every now and again it's good to plug in and find out what the rest of the world is listening to. I gotta say I like it... very mellow and flows together nicely and at the same time it has moments of being much rougher. I'm digging it. Who knows maybe I'm mellowing in my old age.

Anyway with new truck ownership I've now begun to collect the assortted things that no truck owner should be with out. Most of which I already had since this is my third truck. It's going to take a couple of weeks for my dash mat to get here but I can deal with that. It's still a new truck style and they aren't exactly having problems moving these things off of the lot. I did however invest in a Mr. Clean auto dry thingy... you know what it works as advertisted.... one unit that holds the soap you actually wash the vechile with a sponge or washing glove of some sort and then dry it with with the the ionizing dry thingy.... It didn't spot at all so all I have to say is I may just be a believer in this product. I'm going to give a few more tries before I go to the dark side that is the Mr. Clean autowash thingy...

Come with me as I shit in the woods why don't you...

I think that is the style of writing a blog is supposed to be... I've never found it very intertsing since the day to day existance of a person is not that much diffrent from one person to the next. It's the neurosis and pet peeves that make it all so very intersting. I think that is my favorite part of reading other peoples blogs and the such. It's a very female thing from what I have noticed very few guys who blog write about what is going on in their head. And when they do it does tend to be a bit more cryptic then most would care to admit to.

Me... maybe I should change my style to the come with me as I shit in the woods style.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Follow me into the desert...

I recieved a rather "threating" letter this evening
to me

You are putting entirely too much time in between you blog updates.
You can’t tell me there isn’t anything to talk about. We both know that is bull.

If you don’t make a post I will be forced to take drastic measures…. and we neither of us want that to happen.

-Lenny the Terrible

It appears that the fans of drivel are still out there and apperntly they are capable of being vocal. Who knew? I actually looked at this email for 10 minutes on and off trying to decide if I was going to update or not just to see what good ol Lenny would do. I guess we will never know.

Anyway not a whole hell of a lot going on. Pretty much the same story as always video games and beer. I really need to expand things out to include women.... Things to work on. At this point I'm happy I can talk to people.

Any I did spend memorial day weekend in Phoenix with the Kinney's (how weird I now refer to Lenny and Kristina (aka the Spatula Queen (if you don't get the joke tough luck) as a singular unit). I went down looking to spend a nice quiet weekend floating in a pool and helping ol Lenny get into a new car.

Yeah Lenny got a new car... and so did I... hey I can't help it that I fell in love and had two engineers along with me :). Lets just say when Don and Lenny were done with the salesmen their heads were spinning and when I went Psycho on them that pretty much sealed the deal. I was very happy with the deal I got. And a good portion of the credit goes to Lenny. Who actually made out pretty well himself.

I've been debating on whether to post a picture of the new truck or not and since 99.9% of the people who come here have already seen it I will post it for the benefit of the the .01% who have not.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

No Teeth

Saw this on CNN this afternoon

NIN leaves MTV show over Bush image

I just saw this and remembered fondly when once upon a time in my mind MTV would was a breeding ground of anti establishment imagery. I'm pretty sure that this just comfirms that thought was almost entierly in my own head.

I now return you to your normally scheduled drivel.