Sunday, November 27, 2005

Somwhere between the sacred silence and me...

I read a article on earlier this week that said that tryptophan was more prevelant in Soy Beans and something else then Turkey... And the quantintiy of tryptophan was so small in turkey that the tired feeling you get is from eating to much not the tryptophan... so for all of you jonesing for a tryptophan hit... time to start hitting your soy bean stocks.

So I guess my next question is... what is almost pure soybean so I get the most tryptophan for my buck? Food for thought.

Anyway I had plans of buying a microphone for my iPod and then talking to myself through my iPod on the trip to Kingman and then using a open source speech recognition program to transcribe it all and give you guys tons of stuff to read for hours on end. That plan died a quick painless death when I 1. Didn't buy the microphone thing for my iPod. 2. Dismantled my Linux box several weeks ago for a LAN Party in San Diego and have never reassembled it.

Basically you are left with your normal drivel... I hope you all are happy. I know I am.

OH yeah thanksgiving was good... both of them...

OK talk amongst yoursleves I have other things I need to attend too.

R.I.P. Bogart 1992 - 2005

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sleep tight for me... I'm gone

This is a somewhat difficult post for me to write but it must be done... words cannot begin to describe what I feel right now.

I've just finished playing Star Wars Galaxies and I have to say that this game is now a pile of shit... I would like to say it's a steaming pile of shit but that would imply some sort of freshness the how bad this game has decended cannot be described. I stopped my accounts some time ago to make room in my budget for EVE online I had been considering going back to Galaxies for a couple of weeks now but after todays experince with the latest publish and the "New game experince" I'm no longer intersted in what this game has to offer me.

I started Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) in January of 04. I fell in love with this game immedatly. It was my first MMO and it helped me to escape a crumbling "realtionship" (didn't realize it at the time but hindsight is 20/20). The game was daunting but I got the hang of it. Within a month I had been hooked up with a group of fellow gamers known as IRON. I'm still belong to IRON and have moved to their EVE team. IRON is the best thing that ever came out of my time with SWG.

In the following months I became a "Master Rifleman" and "Master BioEngineer" I was a happy little wookiee doing my hunting for the materials to make my BioEngineering componets for a few people in my guild. I went on guild raids into the few dungeons that there were in the game and helped take down high end MOB's on a regular basis. I was a happy little camper. It wasn't unusual for me to spend my evenings on SWG rather then watch TV. I was interacting with people and it was fun to boot. The Geo-cave was added and IRON procededeed to wipe the floor up with our guild. People left the guild and people joined the guild but always there was the core group of Imperium, Silverwolf, Katana/Salinar/Ronin (dude could never decide on a name), Shuggs, Tailon, DeeDee, Atlantis, Zero, Masis, Excess3 (also known as Curtis to you regular readers) and Catalexiis (myself). Others came and went from but this was the core group through the summer and early fall of 2004.

When WoW and EQ2 came out we lost a couple of core people but the group carried on. With in 2 months most of the core group had come back and were splitting their time between games. I began experimenting with other professions keeping "Master Rifleman" but trying other various professions. In the spring of 2005 the long promised combat revamp became known as the "Combat Upgrade" or CU. The CU promised to change the game and make it more balanced and more dynamic for the older players and more enjoyable for the new players. The CU hit and the changes were dramatic to put it mildly. By this time the core group of players was less then half of what it had been a year before the CU killed the game for 4 or 5 players the day it hit and for all but 3 within 2 months.

The game continued I stopped my account in July of 05, I was one of the last core to leave. Curtis had left about a month and a half before me. By the end of September the last IRON member had stopped playing SWG full time and moved to another game.

In the middle of October news of massive changes started to circulate on the interweb... soon these rumors proved to be true these rumors turned into the "NGE" patch. This patch was supposed to balance the game and make it fun for everyone. Instead the patch made the game boring and it lacked the polish and dynamics of the game when orginally published. The UI was completely changed and not nearly as efficent as the orginal one, never mind that the guide interface keys were no longer editable.

The NGE hit on November 15, 2005

For me SWG died a slow painfull death from a once great game to a game that no one cared about at the publisher and was being pimped out because it was "Star Wars"

The Wookiee will not ride again... RIP Catalexiis 1-3-2004 / 7-27-2005

Monday, November 14, 2005

Happiness from a light beer?

I have a new favorite beer!

Sam Adams Light! Yes I know it's all about the propoganda on the commercials but seriously it's a good beer that is Light... what light means in this case I don't know since there is no info on the bottle and I threw away the box... but damn it's good!

So yes I have found happiness in a light beer. And for the record my previous light beer of choice was Coors... so you can see how this is really a rather large step in the right direction.

So how is everyone... I mean because you all write in your own little blogs oh so much. Well actually some of you do like 4 or 5 times a hour... ok maybe not that much... but if you count comments yeah it might be damn near that number.

Life is good right now, house is setup... discovering the pain that is having a halfway decent looking back yard. Read as pain the ass in keeping it up. Discovering the pain that is not having a dishwasher... that part isn't so much a pain as a inconvience. I will get over it but I don't know if my dishpan hands will ever be the same again. Life is really quiet right now and I gotta say I like it like that sometimes. I'm sure something will rear it's ugly head in dew time but until then lets talk about something else shall we?

**10 minutes later...***

yep I've got nothing else.... umm talk amongst yourselves I'm going to go do something else.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The after 10pm ramblings of a madman...

It's after 10 and it's well past my bedtime but I need to get a few things out there.

1. The new Depeche Mode CD is good... I know most of you think that Depeche Mode sucks... quite frankly that is your problem not mine.

2. I got my new drivers liscence this week so that means that "The Man" knows where I live now. Not like "The Man" didn't know already... really the Drivers Liscence is more like a recipet that "The Man" is keeping tabs on you.

3. Time to take a quick stock of things

Beer... running low but not dangerous... get more tommrow
Snacks.... Batman Cookiee jar full of halloween candy. we're good
Abundance of computers.... only 3 of 5 hooked up at the moment. not bad.

I've tried to lead my life in way that Karma owe's me something.... I.e. I help other people so some blonde with big boobs will want to have her way with me... you know that Karma. I was thinking about Karma recently and realized that I've cashed in a rather large chunk of Karma recently. I've been having a good run as of recently and it didn't dawn on me that it was enabled by 2 people... I'm pretty sure they know who they are and I know they read this. Thanks guys for making the beginings of a new life possible.

Yes I'm sober...

No I haven't drank anything in a while...

get off my case will ya.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Have you seen....

Seen my copy of Star Wars Episode II "Attack of the clones" I can't find it with my DVD's

Reward for who ever finds it.... call Tom for Details.