Monday, November 14, 2005

Happiness from a light beer?

I have a new favorite beer!

Sam Adams Light! Yes I know it's all about the propoganda on the commercials but seriously it's a good beer that is Light... what light means in this case I don't know since there is no info on the bottle and I threw away the box... but damn it's good!

So yes I have found happiness in a light beer. And for the record my previous light beer of choice was Coors... so you can see how this is really a rather large step in the right direction.

So how is everyone... I mean because you all write in your own little blogs oh so much. Well actually some of you do like 4 or 5 times a hour... ok maybe not that much... but if you count comments yeah it might be damn near that number.

Life is good right now, house is setup... discovering the pain that is having a halfway decent looking back yard. Read as pain the ass in keeping it up. Discovering the pain that is not having a dishwasher... that part isn't so much a pain as a inconvience. I will get over it but I don't know if my dishpan hands will ever be the same again. Life is really quiet right now and I gotta say I like it like that sometimes. I'm sure something will rear it's ugly head in dew time but until then lets talk about something else shall we?

**10 minutes later...***

yep I've got nothing else.... umm talk amongst yourselves I'm going to go do something else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...