Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Untitled post # 243

“I don’t know what I ever did before I had a computer Tommy”

What my grandfather said to me when I told him that I had his computer fixed and was shipping it back to Kingman.

He’s only in his early 80’s and was in his mid 70’s when we bought his first computer… Incidentally when he bought his first computer it was better then the one I had at the time which caused me to go out and buy a new one about 4 months later… that computer is still sitting in my closet since I can’t bring myself to throw it away. That and I’m not sure whats on it since I haven’t used it since college.

The first computer my parents bought was because my mother saved the money teaching a side class. The original computer purchase was quashed by my father when he got mad at me for spending $200 on a Super Nintendo (my own money no less!) and as a matter of principal wouldn’t buy a computer. He said something to the effect of “Why should I buy a computer for the kids… it will just become another video game machine” WOW now if that isn’t fore shadowing I don’t known what is.

I really don’t like typing in M$ Word, it interferes with my natural writing style. Which is to use lots of “…” and basically mangle the English language in anyway I see fit. I least I’m not doing comma splices like I did back in school.

Actually grammar has never been my strong suite, English was my weakest of the core subjects in school. Which is odd since the guidance counselors always wanted to put me in the advance classes and I always was working to keep up with the regular classes. I guess 90% of appearing smart is knowing what classes to take to make you look that way to everyone else.

For the record, I consider my self to be slightly above average in intelligence…. But higher then average in my Role Playing Skills and Hand Eye coordination.


Anonymous said...

heheheheh "tommy"
No longer will I differntiate you from your dad using "big tom-little tom"
From now on its "Tom and Tommy"

Anonymous said...

We did not know you had such a tramatic upbringing