Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yes folks he's still a dork...

I don't know if I will ever understand our fasicnation with the man of steel (TM) I just got back from seeing the latest theatrical incarnation of everybody's third or fourth favorite alien (with the first three being the Alien from ALIEN, The Predator, and ALF).

At a couple of points I was remembering watching superman as a kid and thinking some of the stuff he did and said was "cool" now he's doing the same thing and he's a dork. However we all still love him.

All in all a good movie... and the first time in a long time that I've payed full price and gotten popcorn with soda (large at that!) (For those of you who don't know only my father and Matt exceed my in how big of a tightwad any one person can be... Though Lenny is coming along nicely) and not felt violated after the movie. Actually I think the last time I did the whole shebang thing was with the original X-men movie... so yeah it's been a few years.

It is nice to see comic book movies that are smart, funny, dark, and somewhat thought provoking all at the same time. Granted there are only a few Grade A comic book movies... X-Men, Batman ("Batman Begins" I'm not talking about that bat crap of Batman 2 - Batman 4), Sin City, Spiderman (both so far), and now Superman. I question if Hellboy should go in there or not, I never read the comics but it was a good movie. I look forward to the sequel.

But this movie does raise two serious questions...

1. How come Batman and Superman have two very large cities to protect that are both in North America yet they don't work together... better yet how did they get assigned these cities? Was there a lottery? A draft? Numbers out of a hat?

2. Wouldn't the villain's of say Gotham wise up and move to Metropolis and vice versa? How cool would it be to see the Joker take on Superman? I know that's the talk of a heretic... but how cool would it be to see that? Huh? Huh? HUH?

Fine you don't like my idea...

and you think Jedi's are dumb???!!


Monday, June 12, 2006

Now that was cool...

So I get home from work tonight... usual assortment of bills n stuff in the mail... oh something from work this can't be good.

Open the bills... pay us money... typicall.

Open the thing from work...

Hmmm form letter... great...

Dear Tom...

Thanks for a great year....

A busy winter

A perfect JCHO inspection

Good fincials...

well fuck work is happy

Please acceptt the enclosed as a gift..


And the enclosed is a membership to Costco for a year!

Wow now that was cool!

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Pot... as in stirring it...

So several of my friends have been blogging for a while now.... I have to say it's nice to see them writing down whats going on in their heads even if it does mainly consist of how they aren't getting enough sex and the day to day emotional highs and low that are life.

I also know that these same friends will read this at some point. Honestly I don't care... If your going to stop talking to me over a entry in some random "blog" then you my "friend" have bigger issues then me taking my little pot shots.

So after you all get done have lots of hot nasty sex come back here.






OK you back... you lasted *Tom checks his watch* a whole 35 seconds you should be proud. Normally your under a quater.

So now that you all have gotten your freak nasty out of you. I'm going to write about a subject that is near and dear to all of us.

Cell phone providers.

How do you know your blogger is a geek and not getting any? When an entire post is dedictated to cell phone providers.

Realize this is only my take on what the diffrent personalites tend to be.

Cingular.... Cingular folks tend to be in a state of constant denial. They all say what great service they have but never seem to be able to make a call when they want to. Sure they have all of those nifty phones but I don't think I've ever seen a Cingular phone used for anything other then a paper weight.

Verizon/Altell.... Generally these folks tend to be pretty happy, though Altell customers do get a bit of Data envy when compared to the power of the Verizon network (it's network after all). Sadly all of these people tend to sound like they are living in a tin can.

T-Mobile.... I don't know what drives these people... they aren't fiercly loyal to a company but just seem to apathetic to change providers.

Sprint Nextel.... These people speak their mind! If their service sucks they will tell you! If their service is great they will tell you! Often they will tell you with in 30 seconds of one or the other opposite statement and tell you again within 5 minutes during the same conversation. The Sprint Guy may be gone but his spirit lives on.

And there you have my $.02 of cell phone providers.

If you have any questions feel free to email them to IDon' :D

To answer a long burning question....

Do I belive in better living through chemistry?

Yes... hand me another beer.

Right in two??

I noticed that I don't post as much anymore.... and when I do it's about stupid shit like this...

I went to home depot tonight to look for mist heads for my misting system that is on the back porch. You know it 110 for 3 days in a row thought it would be a good idea. Spent a hour in the home depot looking for the parts... finally found them and the registers were down (how is that home depot is the only place I can walk in to on just about any day of the week and their registers are down?)

So I put my stuff back and walk out... I will come back later in the week when I have a more extensive list of things to get done around the house.

I get home and go to take off my shoes and notice that my pants are still cuffed from yesterday... why are they cuffed you ask? Simple the jeans I bought are to long so I rolled them up a inch or two so they wouldn't drag on the floor.

Now imagine me walking around home depot looking totally lost with my pant legs rolled up.





Ok you can stop laughing now.