Wednesday, July 19, 2006

De Glazing the Bachelor Brain....

I recently stumbled upon a stash of old CD's.... Circa 2000. Ah yes college, that wonderful time in my life when I openly experimented (and still do) with Open Source software and other strange things on the internet.

I didn't find a whole lot in there that was to terribly interesting... Half written papers for classes... Programming homework... The original version of ye website. Truth be told it isn't that different then that early version I was working on back in the day. Actually it's changed very little since college. In amongst all of these I found 2 CD's of videos I had backed up. One was pretty much just crap (read as porn)...

What it's not like you haven't backed up your porn? What you haven't? True you can get copious amounts of it on the internets... But then again if you download to much porn you will go blind and clog all of the internet pipes. Remember kids Pr0n is for adults.

Anyway the second CD had music videos on it only about 12 and most of them were Rage Against the Machine videos. It has been kind of interesting watching the Rage Against the Machine videos again after a few years. It's one thing to hear the music it's another thing to see the music put to someone else's vision. I never realized how rooted in pop culture the rage videos were until I watched them again. So that tells me 2 things. 1. I'm more of a pop culture whore that I tend to owe up to (don't know if this is still true) 2. The best way to take down your "opponent" is to appear to be on the inside (still very true).

It made me long for the days when mtv actually played videos...

Oh well... Back to clogging up the tubes of the internet I go!

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