Sunday, September 09, 2007

And they gave no quarter...

A few observations from laying on my couch all weekend due some weird combination of what I think is a ear infection and a head cold... I think they are related but I'm not totally for sure, it would be a first for me if they were.

- Dennis Green has been cropped into those Coors Light commercials hawking 24 packs of Coors Light with tickets to the Super Bowl. I find this to be a unique choice to say the least on the part of the people from Coors.

- Remember when there really only two trucks and those "other" guys? No? Me neither... I've seen enough truck commercials this weekend to drive me up the wall. My favorite one? The Tacoma commercial. Why? Because I only saw it once! (And bull shit a F150 can stop a C-130)

- John Norris is still on MTV... again I was laid on my couch and surfing... I was bound to catch it sooner or later.

-Football, whoo hoo! Now it's time for Tom's totally meaningless picks 2007....

Team most likely to disappoint me for the 8th year in a row... Cardinals
Team I follow most likely to actually do something... Chargers
Team I follow mostly to piss off Clint.... Chargers / Broncos
Team that is going to win it all... Not the Cardinals, and not the Chiefs.

There you have it kids... musings of a sick man. But I did finally figure out John Madden's purpose in the football universe it's to explain things in such simple terms that even someone with the attention span of a nat (like me this weekend) can understand.


Evey Marievey said...

Come on Tom, everyone knows that John Madden's purpose in football is to express his undying love of every player on the field, and give a lengthy list of reasons why the player he happens to be speaking of is worthy of John Madden's love. Imagine the self esteem you would find yourself floating on if you were one of those guys out there when John Madden started spouting praise:

"I really like number 52, Tom Kern. He's not the fastest or toughest player on the field, Al, but he uses his head. He plays a smart game, and that will win every time."

Johnny is there to keep the player's heads inflated, to sell NFL merchandise (a profitable side-effect of the player-love thing), and to promote his video game.

Although, it does make me feel pretty smart when he says obvious things like, "And now, Al, with the clock where it is, Eli Manning has 29 seconds of play-time left to score, before the end of the half."

This comment is too long, and I've included far too many made-up John Madden quotes.

Ceconix said...

Madden is a tool.