Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's a battering ram..... OYE OYE OYE

Ok so 88 degrees is a bit much to be sitting out on the back porch and type, at least it's not as cheesy as 98 degrees.

Sorry bad boy band pun, bad blogger bad!

Every now and again I like to reflect on where I've been and what I've done. And if your a regular reader you know that those two things main consist of drinking beer and consternating myself about Linux. So I thought I would take a real change of pace tonight and wander down memory lane.

Turns out that memory lane has been bought by a rather unscrupulous developer and is now a 10,000 home subdivision renamed "Best Times of our Lives Acres" which is really a misnomer since everything out there is measured in Hectares.

If you don't know what a "Hectare" is you should probably brush up on your metric system I hear all the cool countries are doing it.

Honestly though it's been two years since I bought the house in Mesa, it feels like home. Three Years since I switched to blogger from my own perverted system of frontpage and yahoo. And 10 years since I started college.

Speaking of 10 years since I started college, I got the invitation to my 10 year High School reunion in the mail a while back. Yes my parents are officially old! I on the other hand have always found the concept of a 10 year reunion dubious at best. Add on to that how much I "love" large gatherings of people that I have no vested interest in whether or not I care what they think about me and then add a 200 mile one way trip along with a dash of $30 to get in.

And oh yes, it's in Kingman too... and we all know how much I love Kingman. I love my family but I am really starting to understand why certain Aunt's and Uncle's only visited during the holidays.

Take the other side of the coin, I can see how I'm doing compared to other people I went to school with which will either completely inflate or kill my ego... and since my ego has been on life support for the last 9.5 years I'm not really that worried about it. I also know that I can eat and drink my way through $30 with not allot of a problem.

Which leads me to my final question, when people ask me what I do for a living do I tell them...

1. "I work in health care IT on a group of systems known collectively as PACS. Think of it as Flickr for the body, and with big magnets."


2. "I'm laying my final plans for world domination, you will be calling me 'Lord Zod' by the end of the year"

hmmm decisions decisions.


Evey Marievey said...

I vote for a combination of options 1 and 2. It's scarier that way.

Ceconix said...

"What do I do for a living? Swallow Souls."

Oh, and you should read this followup to a story you posted.

Anonymous said...

hmm. beer. i just drank an irish car bomb. i am not going to mine. it was tempe and it was a lame few years getting through high school. i have no doubt i'd kick ass but i can't compete w/ scottsdale highlights. i've got better things to do. like drink for free in kansas.