Sunday, November 18, 2007

Many times I've wondered how much there is to know...

In France the "Full Time" work week is 32 hours.... that means that the average French man has a 3 day weekend every week.

When one is spolied like that I think they may lose sight of just how great a 3 day weekend truly is. I'm pretty sure that is why we Americans like to pick on the French so much. All I know is I get 3 guranteed 3 day weekends a year. I may take a day off on my birthday and other then that I'm not really one for taking much time off. So when I take a 3 day weekend for no reason other then I worked a Saturday and I'm taking the time that is due me from work it is a glorious weekend indeed.

This weekend has been made all the sweeter by the following items...

1. Super Mario Galaxy; when your old 8 bit friends come back afte a 10 year hiatus.... it's been a good year for us old school Nintendo gamers; Link, Samus, and now Mario (strangely Luigi is hinted at but is not to be found as of yet)

2. What can only be desctibed as one of the best Saturday's ever.... 5 gallons of beer in the fermenter, a exceptionally good time at Rula Bula, and perfect weather for both events.

3. The Cardinals hitting 5-5 on the season and the playoffs being more then just a distant dream (hell at this point a winning-ish or .500 season would be good).

Oh yeah a good Nascar race to end the season and Elk for dinner.

Yep our French breatheren may get a 3 day weekend most every weekend, but we americans truly appreciate it.

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