Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Where were you?

So 2.5 years ago I went on a little rant about how downloading TV shows would be the savior of television and gave an example using Star Trek:Enterprise. The things I talked about were merely the logical extensions of a business model that had become wildly popular in the music arena (i.e. tv shows via iTunes)

So after 2 years of itunes goodness of tv shows how many have I downloaded? A total of two, both of them free. What gives? I of all people should be all about watching TV shows off of iTunes. True, however their are a few things that have pretty much stopped me.

1. I got a DVR aka TiVo
2. I got a big screen (like bigger then any computer monitor I will ever have big)
3. I already pay for cable.

So with these three things in place the $1.99 of iTunes just doesn't hack it for me... I will pay <$.0003 per program and fast forward through the commercials myself. Apple TV doesn't hold up compared to my TiVo (in both price points and performance). So where does this leave the whole tv on the internet market?

Kind of in a pickle, people aren't flocking to internet TV, well except for High School Cheerleader Coaches who did a tame routine compared to what she's teaching the girls to do on the field in front of hundreds of people. And even then she didn't post it one of her students did!

Honestly trying to predict the future of television is like reading animal entrails... I'm going to leave that euphemism to you the reader.

Where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, go outside and read a book.


A.L.O said...

For starters it’s a bit chilly to go outside and read a book. So I'll go outside, and then read a book…inside.

On TV, I think downloading TV is still part of the future business model but more along the lines of Comcast’s OnDemand versus PC based TV, or iTV. Sorry but Apple will never have the market presence to change this but a huge service provider like Comcast might. Based on the sheer fact that they send you the box for "free" and by the way you can turn on HD, DVR, OnDemand, etc, etc, and you don't “buy” anything, it just gets added to your cable bill that you pay it with your credit card.

Evey Marievey said...

I'm putting "reading while sitting outside" on my list of things I miss about Phoenix.