High my name is Tom and.....
I'm addicted to Massive Multi Player online games. No longer do I find simple gaming pleasure in playing a game alone in my office... No I now find the greatest amount of joy for a game in when I play with others in real time. No longer am I confined to the the areas of what has been loaded onto a disk. No now I'm off exploring whole new worlds that are brought to me as if by magic.
Of course this is all over the internet so it's about as close to magic as one can get before they have to go to Hogwarts to really know whats going on with the whole magic or not thing.
I love how in Star Wars I play a wookiee and there are others who play their characters. They don't break character it's like we are in all a movie.
I love how the entire dynamic of a battle in Planet side can change with the addition or removal of one piece of armor or just a couple of soldiers on the ground.
I love how ever is not a traditional role playing game. It's a real time strategey more akin to chess then dungeons and dragons.
My name is Tom and I'm addicted to MMO's and I'm proud of it.