Sunday, October 30, 2005

It was all that I needed...

Amazing... I've been living in my new place for just a little over 24 hours and I'm already falling back into my old patterns. I only lived with Krissy and Curtis for 3months but even I'm surprised at how quickly I've fallen back into my old patterns.

At least that means that I will once again start posting on a fairly regular basis for your pure drivel enjoyment.

Or this could be a tease :)

Anyway in this episode of "One man's quiet contemplation of all things that are not tied down"

I move into a new house
I learn all about living on a budget again.
New names all around!

So as stated before I've moved into a new house, for those of you keeping score this is house #2 in 4 years. That Batcave was home for the longest of any one place other then my parents house. I think I shall call the new house "The Watch Tower" Kingman will forever be the "Batcave" along with the new naming of my houses we should also clarify a few of the existing names that are out there to make sure that things stay straight with everyone.

Curtis's office = "The Troll Cave" or "The cave" he's tall like a troll and some might even argue he looks like a troll, it's Curtis he now has to dial a phone or drive for five minutes to make fun of me.

Matt's office = "Starfleet command" really do I need to explain this one? Didn't think so.

Clint's office = "The play room" he has kids and he has to share his office with them nuff said*

*Even though Clint and Brandi occupy the "Bat cave" there is nothing caveish about them living there.

Changing gears...

So last week I'm having breakfast with everyone down here (Curtis, Krissy, Don, and Bev) and the subject turns to my house. Krissy asks me "So Tom are going to have another bachelor pad or are you going to have a "Big boy house"".

I will give Krissy this she doesn't beat around the bush with me.

I respond "Big boy house" and then ask her and Bev to help me.... 3 quaters of a football game later they have a list. Curtis and Don goto a sports bar... I go with Bev and Krissy to Ikea... do you know what $600 in Ikea looks like? 2 plastic bags and a bunch of boxes in my garage! I will tell you what though my house is looking damn good. I'm pretty sure they are no where near done (they still have money in the budget). All I have to say is I'm duly immpressed.

So big props to Krissy and Bev.

Watch tower out.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Things that make you feel warm and fuzzy...

I've only met Nick twice... and he only knows me as "Kern's brother"

Email forwarded to me from Curtis...


Hey Buddy,

Got your package today. Holy hell, you guys go all out don't you? This is single-handedly the coolest package I've ever recieved. Please give my thanks to everybody who pitched in and tell them they've made my life more enjoyable. I truly appreciate this. It couldn't have come at a better time too... Its been a rough couple of weeks over here. I don't know if I can ever enjoy fireworks or anything else that makes loud noises ever again. Rest assured that items recieved are tucked away behind a suitable amount of sandbags and hardend structure though. I hope things continue to go well for you and everyone else there in Arizona and hopefully I'll join you there soon.


P.S. The e-books work fine, I just had to rework the file structure a little bit and the photo of all of us in Vegas is my wallpaper now.

P.P.S. Thanks again.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Acclimation... I think.

I know that I have become acclimated to the valley when it's 87 out side and I'm thinking to myself "gosh it's a bit chilly out here maybe I should find a jacket"

Yes folks that is how I know that I have become acclimated. 87 is cold 90+ is long sleeve weather and 100+ is nothing more then a annoyance while moving about my day.

Friday night we (we being the Kinney's and Currin's along me and myself (we had to leave I at home they weren't feeling very well)) went to the Arizona Science Center. The science center is really geared for kids but it's fun for adults too... Especially when it's 1. free and 2. They have free food! (yes I know it's very college of me but remember I've been a bachelor for many years now I find real food where ever I can). So there I am going through the science center and they have a exhibit on the human body. I'm looking through it and they have a ultrasound of a human fetus. COOL! Finally working in X-ray department is going to pay off. So I'm standing there looking at the ultrasounds of a unborn baby I see the nose, mouth, eyes, and other parts of the body. As I'm doing this a young 20 something couple comes up behind me and they are looking at the ultrasounds with me and I start pointing things out to them and I not making this next part up.

She says "Is that really a baby?"
Me "yes it is"
She Says "wow that is a really crappy picture, they need to get a better camera"
Me... *Tom says nothing and shuffles away quietly*

After the science center we hit Pizza Bianco.... Apparently it's one of the places to get pizza... in North America!

You know what I believe it too. That stuff is good.

Now it's off to look for basketball tickets... seeing as how I live in Phoenix I should probally start taking advantage of the things it has to offer me. :)

Kristina just informed me it's colder outside then it is in the house (it's 74 outside) I guess I should go find my sweatshirts...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

More River...

Go see Serenity... if it is the only movie you see for the next three years go see it... I don't care what your excuse is go see it. If I talk to you and I find out that you haven't seen Serenity I will start to phase you out with Extreme Predjudice....

OK maybe that is a little harsh.... Maybe I will just put you on friend probation... or just something like that... Just go see it. You need to stop reading this drivel and go watch it!

OK now with the formalities out of the way it's time to get on with it all. Life's been good to me things are falling into place nicely down here I'm loving it. Things are going so well for me in fact I'm pretty sure they are going to be coming crashing down on me at any second. I don't know this for a fact but nothing every goes my way for more then a minute or two before it all goes to crap.

Needless to say the paranoia has not gone away, and I'm still pretty sure everyone is out to get me. I don't know who everyone is but I know they are out there. I doubt anyone will help me neither will someone they are both pretty unrealiable folks.

It's pretty safe to say that my mental state still leaves quite a bit to be desired.

We Must Remember...

Read first....

With all the news lately about Hurricane Katrina and Rita, we shouldn't forget that Houston has had it's share of devastating weather also.

The attached photo illustrates the damage caused to a home when Hurricane Rita passed through the Houston area a couple of days ago. It really makes you cherish what you have, and reminds us not to take life for granted!!!

See the devastation....