Tuesday, December 05, 2006

And unto thee they said... let there be great fire and wookiees

Once again the whole having friends who blog thing has brought out the envious side in me. Not that it's that hard to do. I'm forever compensating for something... You flaunt your married-ness with home life and either kids / pets / or lack there of. I flaunt my single-ness and my general lack of attachments to anyone or thing.

So really it's pretty much all aspects of my life.

My latest place where I feel a need to compensate... Cody and his damn blog pictures. And it's not just his blog it's his damn myspace too!

I pick the oddest things to get worked up about... I really need to find a way to relax... Oh look a fridge full of Guinness.

OK so getting back to object of tonight's angst... Take a look at those pictures. I think the guy has talent his pictures are how I see my pictures in my head. Use of shadows almost all of them off the cuff and "natural".

Really I think that is what drives me up the wall most about photography is that so much of it is unnatural and posed.

Now I realize that alot of photographs are posed for artistic reasons or because there is a large group but I look at so many and there always things that seem a little to perfect.

And don't get me started on advertising. I may be in the coveted 18-49 male demographic but I resist 99.9% of that advertising


That was weird I blacked out there for a second.

Anyway... I am envious of Cody and his pictures... Or maybe I'm envious of Cody and his mad iLife skills. And Eve's ability to do the ninja camera thing.

Ok so the married people have me on that one. In order to get my "natural" shot and be in said shot it can no longer be "natural" and must be posed in some way shape or form.

And the pictures I have posted here? Well I worked from home today which means I finished working a hour early since I didn't drive in and was already here and didn't have to drive home. So I took a couple of pictures at lunch. I even did the faux iPhoto thing to them in Picasa and well look at mine compared to Cody's "nature" shots...

I need to go compensate some more.


Evey Marievey said...

The trick to C's pictures...
Well, Ok. It's me. But the second trick to his pictures is "quantity". If you take 1000 pictures in 9 days then at least 100 of them are bound to turn out pretty rad.

You get multiple chances at radness!

Plus, after a while everyone begins to ignore the camera and things start to look natural.

A.L.O said...

Hey now, I think there is a bit of skill involved, not a lot but a bit. Yes quantity does help, but all those years of high school art class are now paying off with balance and composition getting worked into the picture taking process. Lastly having ravishing subject matter to photograph helps too, but I won't flaunt my marriedness any more.