Saturday, March 03, 2007

Are you there Beer? It's me Tom...

Inspiration level... still not there.... But I've had two things pop up in the last 24 hours that have spiked my built in inspiration level. So come with me if you will down that deep and dark path that is my head and I'm sure along the way we will find a couple pounds poo or so.

Nine Inch Nails has a new album coming out....

Yes I know I checked the calender too it's not 2010 it's 2007. I don't know what's up with Trent but he must have become inspired or something like that. Normally it's 5 years (give or take) between NIN albums...

1989 Pretty Little Hate Machine...

1994 Downward Spiral....

1999 The Fragile (Great Album can't tell you how many times I listened to it)

2005 With Teeth.

Now this is just the new material this is not including the live stuff or reissues anything like that. So with that list you can see why I'm a bit concerned.... This new album is coming much to soon. I have great hope and great fear for it.

The second thing that I came to my attention was actually posted by Brandi... and well since Brandi keeps her blog password protected, locked, DNA sampled, and Voiced ID'ed behind serveral layers of barbed wire and a helliacious mine field I will just give you a link and you can read it your self.

Recruiting the self centered

I saw a blurb on CNN earlier this week about the college students of today being more self centered then previous generations but I hadn't read it... I read this article. You know I got to say that I'm just about offended that I'm apart of this generation after reading this article.

Not because there is anything wrong with the article, but because it is so dead on and it pisses me off that people who have no reason think that they are the greatest thing since Moses or at the very least Joan of Arc (you know the first woman to get a job outside of the home). I really see it in people my own age and it pisses me off. Of the people in my age group I know some that are work workaholics... some that are students (still)..... some that skate by.... and still others that are so wrapped up in their own lives they can't see past themselves.

Where did this come from? I'm going to pick on the one cultural touchstone that everyone has been through... School... school taught you that you were a unique snowflake... just like everyone else. When schools started coddling children instead of teaching them that is where the trouble began. Yes I know there are things like no child left behind and insufficient funding for school and lord forbid we use corporal punishment to discipline children.. hell teenagers even. Because giving them a couple of good swift kicks to the ass might hurt their feelings and we can't do that now can we?

While we are at it... I need take down my parents generation a notch or two also... but I need to work on that one... those old people are wily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok now i feel famous for being referred to in a blog (very tastefully i may add)... but then that just feeds the shit that the blog is about! wtf!