Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The shape of things to come...

Driving home from work I saw a interesting sight. It was a repo truck for other cars and the license plate was "UBWALKN". Great just what the world needs repo guys with a sense of humor. Next thing you know there will be bloggers out there talking about things like the license plate they saw on the drive home from work... oh wait....

So yeah.... about that those bloggers great people eh?

Ok time to move on. So with my moving from a Dell PDA back to Palm I'm once again free from the tryanny of Outlook (at home). I also have a PDA for sell if anyone is interested. Actually for the record just about everything I have is for sale. That is just the kind of guy that I am.

Anyway I'm free from Outlook since I'm only syncing my calendar with the Treo and can do that with Palm Desktop. Sweet I finally have a thrown free all of my bonds from the Windows Platform!

OH look a shackle with a large lock that's got alot of gum in the key hole... oh yes gaming my Achilles heal.


I have considered going back to Thunderbird but honestly I just don't like it's interface very much and I find it's database system to be more susceptible to corruption then Outlook. I know Mr. Open Source likes a Microsoft product. Yeah I know let me turn in my geek cred badge at the door.

Then again when your into Linux you run into these type of things all of the time. You know the idealouges who want to a "perfect open source system" and the cold harsh reality of "the business world"

Hmmm maybe I need to find a woman who apperciates the term "free as in beer or free as in speech"

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