States of mind....
So every now and again I hit a point where things just move along swimmingly and I don't have anything that really inspires me to write. I call these events "life" events with in my "life" as of late drive me to write. You know the occasional trip to wal-mart that generally sets me off in more ways then you can imagine.
Why do I keep going there when I have so many choices available to me that are just as easily reached? Simple you can't beat the prices on the same high quality name brand merchandise that you get at other department stores. There is no fighting the evil empire, just accept it and move on.
Speaking of evil empires, my coworkers and friends will tell you that I know way to much about cell phones. And to that charge I completely agree. They are intersting bits of technology that you can tell alot about a person from.
Smart phone... either they are trying to look smart (me) or it was issued to them (check for barcode on the back of the neck)
Music phone/Camera phone... I don't get these they have iPods for a reason people. The nice things about music phones is they are also camera phones and you can tell how naughty someone is by how much they react to their cell phone "disappearing" I know one or two people who are really naughty.
Basic phone.... they use this phone to talk... how quaint.
Anyway I ran across a article about how a quarter of all people under the age of 30 only have cell phones. So I stopped to think about this for a second. I could only come up with 3 people under the age of 30 who had land lines. And if I wanted to get ahold of any of these people I would call their cell phone and not even bother with their land line. So that means that 90% of the people that I know are totally wireless. Granted this is way shifted towards the under 30 crowd. But still you get the idea.
So I started to think about why do I have a land line? Honestly it's thrown in free with my cable tv and internet (i.e. it costs the same if I have my cable service and internet with or with out the phone option). Granted I have a couple of upgrades to my cable but that is beside the point. Why else do I have a land line? I send all of my credit cards there, you know since you have to call and activate credit cards from your home phone line. I just don't feel comfortable doing this with a cell phone. I've read enough articles over the years to know that cell phones are just as susceptible to cloning today as they were 15 years ago.
Paranoid? you betcha...
Final reason? I send my voter registration to that line. So since voter reg is not under the federal do not call lists I get a million and one calls during election season. Last year I got enough phone calls on my land line that didn't goto my cell that I was happy to keep it. And that was a off year!
Would I ever give up my land line? Yeah, and probably goto some sort of cheap voice over IP setup (like $5 a month cheap) or cheap cell phone. But since VOIP isn't exactly that cheap and pay as you go phones are a huge rip off in my mind the land line stays collecting dust.
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