Saturday, July 07, 2007

Go Go iShit!

Ok the iPhone has been out for a week now and every technology pundit with a computer and internet connection has given their $.02.

Time for me to give my $1.25 about their $.02.

There is no way to make a technology pundit happy... they always find some flaw with the item in question that will then be repeated by every half twit out there (I would have used more colorful language but this particular half twit has used technology pundititry in more then one or five cases...) So the biggest complaint about the iPhone has been the lack of inclusion of 3g data for it's data service (HSDPA for the GSM folks or EVDO Rev 0 or Rev A for the CDMA folks). The official line from Apple is something to the effect of...

"Current 3G chips suck power and we have included WiFi to use instead of 3G data" And they are absolutely correct. I will take a shitty WiFi connection over a good EVDO connection any day of the week.

Now for the counter point to the iPhone when Palm released the Treoo 700P it included EVDO data for CDMA (The Treo 750 on GSM has HSDPA) and what did the technology pundits roundly criticize?

"But it doesn't have WiFi"


And now I remember why I stopped watching TV news... because at least with technology pundits I know they are idiots... With political talking heads they could be feeding me a steaming pile of shit and I wouldn't know the difference... though that probably has more to do with the fact that I tend to skim over the politics sections of CNN and the BBC.

So where does this leave us? Well the iPhone is a interesting piece of technology that will be unlocked shortly (I give it 3 weeks from this posting and 6 weeks after that before it's so easy that my brother and mom could both do it) I'm still out in the cold since there will not be a CDMA version of the device unless Apple launches the iPhone in Japan and just happens to leave the door open for the device to work with CDMA carriers in the states.

Me? I'm going to pass on the iPhone in it's current revision and wait for the iPod with touch screen and upgrade. Of course I need it to be at least 40 Gigs before it's worth the money to me. I don't feel this great need to condense my gadetry down to one device between my Treo and iPod I'm good and for those long hauls I always take my laptop with me.

So there you have it kids the iShit from the iTwit's brain.

1 comment:

Ceconix said...

After that, I think Master Jobs would like his laptop back.