Thursday, November 11, 2004

A question for all you DATA freaks out there

So there I was in line at Hastings when I say the 2005 edition of the big book of movies (not the real name to protect the idiots who published it).

Why on earth would someone pay $24.95 for something that can be gotten off the internet for FREE.

Even if you don't have the internet at your house you are still coming out ahead if you drive you SUV that gets horrible gas mileage to the nearest internet station to do the reaseard and then go home!

Hell I can download that entire book... put into a SD Card... and put it in my iPaq and BAM! RIGHT THERE AT MY FINGERTIPS!. Next year when the 2006 version comes out I pay 5bucks and BAMMAGE AGAIN!

Do yourself a favor go listen to some Pink Floyd.

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