Apple I love thee... let me count the ways :)
So last night I'm merrily listening to my iPod and looking at stuff on the iTunes music store... low and behold Richard Cheese has a new CD out. If you don't know who Richard Cheese is I'm sorry you just aren't cool enough to be reading this. Step away from the computer and come back later.
I buy the album and just like I've done a million times before I plug my iPod into it's dock. It lights up like it is supposed to... but iTunes is not coming up. Odd, it's not showingup in the device manager. Reboot PC.
Ah there it is in Device Manager... wait now iTunes won't load. I yank out my iPod iTunes loads right up. Repeat this scene several times over the course of the next several hours.
Finally I hook up the iPod to another computer... the computer freezes and then starts going, anything having to with the iPod is very slow though. I go back to my computer and look at the event manager. We all know to look at the event manager when weird shit happens don't we boys and girls
/nod and agree
There in the event manager is a ton of messages saying "sbp2 port device timed out" ? what the hell is a sbp2 port device? I google.... oh it's a device hooked up to my Firewire port. The only thing hooked up to my firewire is my iPod... crap. I take the iPod and hold it to my ear and I hear the drive spinning but I don't hear the heads seeking. Good thing I live in Phoenix now.
Next morning I head down to the Apple Store... I don't like malls, but I will put up with them for this. I get there sign in and wait for help. 1.5 hours later I tell my story to the person at the "Genius Desk" who I watched help several other people with other problems. She plugs the iPod into her iBook and says.. yep it's dying. You have two choices... 1. Pay $250 and wait six weeks to get it fixed or 2. We take this one to recycle and give you 10% off of any iPod in the store today.
I took number 2... so I now I have a spiffy 20gb iPod with a color screen. No muss no fuss. The only thing that sucks is these things come with a 1 year warranty and not a 3 year warranty but I guess when they get abused as much as they do you need to do what you need to do.
I still Love Apple... I'm even thinking that it's time to get a Powerbook for the next laptop. Provided I can afford it :)