You play with our world like it's your little world...
A.K.A the one with multiple posts part duex....
I don't know how this conversation came about today but it was somehow telling because the whole time I was flashing to a Myspace post that Kristina made.
So I'm at work today, like I am ~5 days a week. I'm upstairs talking with the consultant Mr.Smith about building some table in one of the systems I work on. Out of the blue I break from my conversation with Mr. Smith and start looking around the "new" (also known as newly remodeled) office that is the technical group upstairs. I'm taking a intrest because next week my happy butt gets moved into a similar office across the hall. Anyway I'm looking at this office and I start talking to one of our database guys and he just out of the blue (well what to me is out of the blue) about how my current cube has no personal effects in it. No pictures, no knick knacks, nothing.
Well thats not entierly true I did have a shipping crate that contained a ultrasound unit for 6 months but that is beside the point.
The database guy starts showing me the stuff in his cube... now I will say this he is one the cooler people that I have met in my time at my current position. Mean while I'm flashing onto what Kristina wrote...
"So far I have the essential office junk of pen cup, folder sorters of varying sizes, phone, computer, printer and a spot for all the office's reference binders. Beyond that, BORING. I have in queue to bring; more pictures of loved ones, bamboo chute (a plant to make office life bearable---heck it may even show responsibility if I don't kill it with florescent lighting!), a fake plant to disguise the fact I killed the living plant in a few months, a wind chime that was a present of past…what else could be fun and reflect some personality?!? Respond and give me some tips…looking forward to it!"
Kristina is speaking of her cube at her work... and this is all I'm thinking about.
I'm sitting here thinking about it almost 12 hours later... my cube at work looks alot like my office at home... alot of junk and alot of computers.
Anyone know where I can find a pirate flag?
How can I do Quantitative study on something that is very Qualitative?
On the subject of traffic... yes it sucks... I know. I knew that moving down here.
Once again Mr. Smith at work suggests a path home that I had never previously considered. Ok I have nothing to lose but 20 minutes of my life. What the hell.
It's exactly the same time home as the way I would normally take. Now I don't have a problem with this what I have a problem with is there is no way for me accurately measure traffic on routes A and B. Then make a comparison between the two mean while factoring in things like special events (Barrett Jackson 2 weeks ago and the FBR open this week) or the weather (anyone who's ever driven in Phoenix knows that the locals have no clue what to do when it starts raining down here).
Nothing pisses me off more then having two things to compare and not having a solid way to compare them.
Of course I have never done anything like that before so why start now?