Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Psuedo Bloggers of the world unite... tommrow...

That title could also work for procastinators... that would also be a good slogan for me and my realtionship with my gym.

Hmmm I will goto the gym tommrow but I want a beer now. See that is my problem I don't have any reward system for going to the gym. If I did that I would just buy whatever item I desired (insert crack about pretty little DS in my grubby hands) and not bother with the gym. I know I'm not going to be mr. Six Pack but yet I still go (most of the time) so it's a odd realtionship the gym and I have.

Here is something for you people who read this drivel during the day to think about... my realtionship with the gym as it relates to my realtionships with other people.

Deep huh...

Speaking of drivel... WELCOME EVEY MARIEVEY!

Let me speak of Eve... she should feel honored she is only the second woman to get a good section of a post about her... the last one I called "fucking bitch" and if you click on the archives for September of 2004 you can see my little tirade!

So getting back to the drivel... Eve recently graduated from her training blog at myspace to a big person's blog here at blogspot ( Eve is carrying on the fine tradition of drivel blogging that she somehow seems to have picked up from me? OK maybe I'm giving myself to much credit here, but she does the blogging thing in a manner which I find most intruging and will probally end up ripping off in one way or another in the not to distant future.

So what does the future hold for Eve? Well as soon as I can figure out how to do a perma link on the side of the thing under the "Terror Alert" icon she is going to get the only link to another blog I currently have.

You want a perma link on my blog? Be like Eve prove your self worthy or out distance me. I've been doing this for 5 years and have not intentions of quitting anytime soon.

1 comment:

Evey Marievey said...

i'm flattered...and speechless, which is really saying something ;)