Thursday, December 02, 2004

Again with the blogging....

Oh I must be bored... two nights in a row... and wouldn't you know it all about the same damn thing too!

Aren't you lucky... then again your the one reading this unless you happen to be one of those "Blogspot" surfers who just happen to hit the "next blog button" (if you have not hit the next blog button you will find it at the upper right of your browser and your really should hit it)

Yeah I broke out farcry tonight.... I'm so out of that game right now it's not even funny... totally diffrent in style you need to have for Doom3. I can only guess that Half-Life will be just as diffrent once I get around to picking it up. Just not real hip on the concept of steam at the moment. I don't know... something about the possiblity of not being able to play the game in 5 years does not appeal to me.

And of course now your asking when was the last time you played a game that was more then 5 years old? Simple last week I broke out the N64 and went to town. Goldeneye still rocks.

Man it is getting cold in hell... no hell has not frozen over but I had 2 thoughts this morning going to my car....
1. it's fucking cold
2. It's cold as fuck

Yes alot of content in my thought process don't you know.

I really do like blogging like this way more then the old way... I just need to get back to calling it everything but blogging but really what is it?

I don't know....


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