Monday, December 13, 2004

Top 10 signs that you play to many video games...

10. You know the frustration of having to figure out which button is RELOAD/CHANGEWEAPON/USE ITEM in every FPS out there since now two have the same setup

9. You talk about your RPG adventures with friends

8. Your friends tell you about their RPG adventures

7. You have the approx number of hits to take out a enemy figured out after the second kill

6. Your entire body moves when your trying to avoid an enemy in a FPS

5. You remember when game manuals used to be novels

4. You still have a few of the game manual / novels lying around and you read them during potty breaks

3. Your significant other thinks your gaming habit is "cute"

2. MMORPG du-jour isn't just a game it's a way of life for 6 months to a year

1. Finally... if your reading this and thinking to yourself the something in here sounds very very familiar.

Welcome to my world.

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