Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Into the wild blue next year... Or something like that...

Well the new year is quickly approaching us... And I guess it's time for a new years resolution.

I know I know I never make one... I actually did make one last year... I resolved to stop drinking coke at home and cut down at work... Well I'm now down to 1 cup a day at work and nothing at home 99% of the time. I'm doing pretty well on that one if I do say so myself.

I thought about doing the whole no caffeine thing.. But yeah that would just make me crankier then I already am and really lets face it if you can't have coffee in the morning there really is just no reason to be getting out of bed. So I'm making a resolution that I'm pretty sure I can keep. Yes I'm going to drink more beer!

Hey don't laugh at least I have new years resolution.

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